security systems fot garages

Research shows that homes containing no security measures are almost five times more likely to be targeted by criminals than those with the simplest of security measures.

It’s not just the main living area of the home that’s at risk of break-ins; burglaries involving garages are incredibly common. These places often store cars, bikes, tools and other valuables that can attract thieves, especially if you don't have any visible security systems in place.

Despite this, many homeowners still don't know how to properly secure their garages with sufficient security systems.


How IDS can help

Here at IDS Security Solutions, we offer a number of high-quality security systems that will provide your garage with professional protection. In order to keep your garage secure, we recommend one or more of the following security systems...


Intruder Alarms

A simple but effective way to secure your garage. Our state-of-the-art intruder alarms can be specially designed, installed and maintained by us to ensure efficient levels of security.

These systems can be monitored around the clock from our monitoring station by our engineers on call 24/7.

The obvious choice for detecting unauthorised intruders and protecting the goods in your garage.

Intruder Alarms


CCTV Cameras

Another common method of home security, our CCTV security systems provide a great solution to garage break-ins. Depending on your exact requirements, our skilled engineers are able to identify and install the most suitable CCTV cameras for you.

Through the close and continual analysis of the latest developments within CCTV technology, such as digital recorder and fibre optic transmission, our security cameras provide contemporary solutions that you can place your entire trust and confidence in.

CCTV Cameras



To ensure maximum levels of security for your garage, you are able to combine our security solutions into one bespoke package. Integrating a number of our systems such as an intruder alarm with a CCTV camera will provide you with further assurance that your garage is being properly protected with a tailored surveillance package.

Ensuring your home and garage is sufficiently protected is of utmost importance, that’s why we at IDS encourage you to make the investment into defending your valuables from criminals. We specialise in bespoke security systems to fit around your needs, so no matter what garage security system you have in mind, we are confident that you can find it here with us.

To learn more about our range of home security measures or to contact us to inquire about your garage security system, click below today!

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If you’re a home or business owner, one of the things that you would have no doubt considered is whether or not you need a security system in place and what are the pros and cons of getting one installed. Well here at IDS, we believe that there should be no doubting such thing and that in order for your home, business and valuables to be safe, installing an appropriate security solution should be one of the first things you do once moving into a new home or setting up a business. One of the most common and effective forms of protecting yourself is through the use of security cameras, so if you find yourself asking ‘do I need security cameras?’ Read on and find out why you do!


Advantages of Security Cameras

The security camera is one of the many wonders of modern technology, used within a home and office settings across the globe. Gaining huge popularity as an effective security solution due to the array of benefits that it offers. As with everything else in the world, they have their pitfalls but these are outnumbered massively by the advantages that they bring. We take a look at a number of these below:

Prevent Crime

The biggest and most obvious advantage of getting security cameras installed within your home or business is their ability to prevent criminal activity, or at least go some way to minimise it. Just the sight of a camera looking at them and the thought of getting caught red-handed is enough for most criminals to stop and think about breaking any sort of laws, as they know that their actions and sometimes identity will be captured. The presence of a security camera empowers you as a home and/or business owner and prevents your premises from becoming an easy target.

Gather Evidence

By placing security cameras in strategic areas, you are able to monitor both the actions and words of individuals during the occurrence of a specific event, as many modern security cameras are able to also pick up audio as well as high-quality video. Clear images alongside crisp sound make security cameras an efficient tool in gathering evidence that occurs within an important happening such as a legal scenario. Authorities are able to review the footage that a witness or person of interest may have either forgotten or missed.

Monitor Activities and Occurrences

Linked with the previous advantage of gathering evidence, security cameras have the ability to be placed in an abundance of places, meaning they are able to capture many activities that occur in and around your home or business. As they come in many shapes and sizes, they can either be placed so that they are hidden or within vantage points. Both will result in rich recording data that can keep tabs on an individual’s activities and are a great way to spot suspicious behaviour.

Correct Conclusions

The footage captured by security cameras has the ability to aid in making the correct decision if you find yourself in a dispute, whether domestic or professional. This could involve settling an argument with a family member, customer or employee. Doubts can be squashed with a simple review of what your security camera has recorded. Untrue, made-up and inappropriate claims made by members of staff, customers or others can be quickly found out with the help of a security camera.

Keeping Records

Another benefit of installing security cameras is that because they are systematically and continuously recording footage at your home or business, you always have a record of the happenings that occur at these places. If for any reason you require to review footage, you have the ability to check your records and gather the information you need.

These are just a few examples of how you can benefit from the installation of security cameras. We believe here at IDS, that whenever you ask yourself ‘should I get security cameras’, the answer should be yes, as it’s always better to be safe than sorry! We specialise in bespoke security systems for both your home and business, so no matter what you would like, we are able to provide the security solution that you need. To learn more about our CCTV Security Systems or to contact us to inquire about your security system, simply click below.

CCTV Security Cameras >   Contact Us >



Security cameras are an excellent way of offering you peace of mind; the reassurance of an active security camera means you know any potential intrusions or security risks will be caught on camera. Security camera installation is arguably as important as having the security cameras in the first place; it is critical cameras are installed professionally and positioned to effectively monitor the largest area possible to provide you with the best surveillance. Luckily for you, IDS Security Systems are something of a pro when it comes to security camera installation and we can provide this service as part of a package when you purchase security cameras from us. 

Why is security camera installation important? 

Having a professional install your security camera(s) is of paramount importance - from positioning the camera, to the wiring and set-up, it is essential these tasks are undertaken properly so that your security camera system is fully functioning. The trained engineers from IDS can provide this service to ensure your security camera installation is done properly, and efficiently. 

What do we consider when installing your security camera? 

When installing a security camera system for our customer, we consider the following things to guarantee they are getting the most they can from their security cameras. We are experts in our field with a lot of experience under our belt, for more information on IDS and our team, visit our about us page!


Where a camera is positioned is one of the most important parts of security camera installation - our expert engineers will be able to seek out the best position for your security camera. During the installation process, our engineers will consider the footage the camera will capture (dependant on the angle), how high up it is secured, and whether it is displayed discreetly or obviously. We are happy to work to your specific needs when installing your security camera(s), so whether you want your camera somewhere obvious, as a deterrent, or somewhere less obvious - IDS can meet your needs. 


Here at IDS we know our security cameras inside out (literally), so when handling a security camera installation we can worry about all the technical stuff, so you don't have to! IDS will handle the wiring of your camera(s) and expertly select the most logical power source for your security system. We'll think about your local area network (LAN) and give you suggestions on what we think is best. With an IDS security camera installation, you can rest assured your security is in good hands. 

If you are interested in our security camera installation services, please feel free to get in touch with us today. You can give us a call on: 029 20 753 251 or email For more information on the security cameras offered by IDS please press the button below, and get your security system underway!

CCTV Security Systems from IDS

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CCTV Analytics Systems

Surveillance technology is becoming smarter and smarter and as CCTV cameral technology matures so does CCTV analytics. CCTV analytics systems allow us to retrieve a superior amount of data than we have previously had access to. Here at IDS, we have top-of-the-range CCTV analytic systems that can help you to protect your property. To view all of our CCTV services you can click here

Rather than having to sit through hours of footage, CCTV analytics can let us know where we need to look and what this footage can tell us. Event-driven analytics relieves the burden that operators have previously had to deal with. Now CCTV analytics can tell us when something has happened on camera, for instance when there has been movement that may signal an intruder. 

With scalable systems, we can now efficiently monitor larger areas with far more ease. This not only gives us more effective data that is easier to gather but it also requires a lot less manpower which will save you money on your security system. By integrating automatic analysis, detection and alerts CCTV analytics systems give us the added security that we won't miss a thing. CCTV software can now initiate recording, alarms and a range of other actions automatically, making them far more intelligent than ever before. 

This CCTV software is intelligent enough to detect a wide range of information. Our CCTV analytics systems can detect: 

  • Intruder detection
  • People counting
  • Queue analysis
  • Gender recognition
  • Kinetic mapping of in-store traffic
  • Dwell analysis 
  • Heat mapping
  • Forensic analysis

At IDS security systems we work with you to determine the best security system for you. We can tailor our systems to your property to offer you the optimum amount of protection for your home or business. To talk to one of our specialists about any of the services we offer you can...

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IP CCTV Systems

We all want to keep our property protected, whether it's your home or your business there are precautions that you should take to not only deter crime but to prepare if it does happen. CCTV camera have been a vital piece of equipment in any security surveillance system and the technology behind them continues to improve.

The time of grainy, unidentifiable images is becoming a thing of the past, because after all, what is the use of catching a crime on camera if the footage is useless? That's where IP CCTV cameras come into play.

What is an IP CCTV camera? 

IP CCTV cameras are some of the best security cameras on the market. Internet protocol (IP) cameras send and receive data using computer networks and the internet, meaning that it is far easier to review and access the footage they capture. IP CCTV also collects footage of a much higher resolution than ever before, over a much wider frame. This means that IP CCTV not only collects footage of a much better quality but a larger picture than before, meaning you actually need less CCTV cameras whilst maintaining or increasing surveillance.

IP CCTV camera systems are advanced in a number of ways, which shows how advanced our security systems are getting. They are an intelligent surveillance system, recognising a range of different information:

  • People Counting
  • Queue Analysis
  • Gender Recognition
  • Kinetic Mapping
  • Queue Analysis
  • Dwell Analysis

This technology not only gives you a much clearer overlook over what is happening on your property but makes it incredibly easy to access this information. You don't need to spend hours scrolling through footage, the footage can tell you when something worth seeing has occurred. 

Where can I get a IP CCTV camera system?

At IDS security we can provide you with the most advanced, top-of-the-line security systems that work around your specific needs. Our in-depth knowledge of all things security allows us to bring you the latest advancements in this technology, such as IP cameras.

We will talk with you about the property that needs surveillance and help you select an IP CCTV camera system that best suits your specific requirements. We have a diverse range of CCTV security systems which you can learn more about by clicking here

As well as designing and installing your security system, we also offer CCTV maintenance. This ensures that your security system is always working its best so that you can rest assured that any crime that happens will be recorded by your IP CCTV camera. 

READ MORE: What Is a Network Video Recorder? 

To find out more about how an IP CCTV system can help you protect your property, feel free to get in touch. For that or for any of the other services we provide please don't hesitate to contact us today


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