Equipping your home with a personal CCTV camera can be extremely useful for a wide variety of reasons, ranging from deterring criminal activity to catching the culprits red-handed.
However, it can also act as an avenue for capturing the weird, the wonderful and the unexplained and commonly crops up in the news across the world for its ability to

Weird, Wonderful and Unexplained
While there are literally hundreds of examples of amazing home security footage the world over, ranging from chilling ghost sightings to attempted burglaries gone awry, we’ve picked a small handful of the best light-hearted examples of what goes on when the red light is showing.
The Weird: Taste Test
The electric doorbell has been a useful addition to home technology worldwide since its invention way back in the early 1900s. That being said, one use the humble doorbell isn’t famed for is its taste.
However, it seems nobody told Roberto Daniel Arroyo that fact and the California resident decided to put it to the test one winter evening.
In January 2019, Arroya was caught on a home security camera licking a doorbell of a local neighbourhood home… for three hours, no less.
Following the bizarre incident, Arroyo was charged with loitering while the moreish doorbell was thoroughly disinfected and presumably offered counselling.
Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFJy2gFQgF8
The Wonderful: Ludwig Van Beartoven
A family in Colorado returned home from a weekend away to find that their house had been broken into. However, upon closer inspection, the security footage told a far grizzlier tale…
Home cameras had recorded the whole incident, which showed that their house had in fact been visited by a wild bear.
The large black bear was seen prowling around the house throughout the video, nosing around the living room and other areas.
Luckily, the placid character refrained from exercising his right to bear arms and damage was kept to the bear minimum.
I did, however, stop to have a quick play on the piano during his brief stay.
The Unexplained: Creature of the Night
In June 2019, Vivian Gomez made a spell-binding discovery when viewing her own home security camera one Sunday morning.
The video, taken the night before, seemed to show a bizarre creature strutting down the driveway, performing a chicken dance.
Gomez made her weird home security footage public when she posted it on Facebook and it didn’t take long for the clip to go viral.
Many watching the video liken the creature’s appearance and movements to that of Dobby the house-elf from Harry Potter.
Meanwhile, others have taken a far less imaginative approach to the fantastical beast and chalk it up to her young son goofing around with pants on his head.
Either way, it remains a bizarre and disturbing sight!
CCTV from IDS Security
While CCTV can undoubtedly be great for recording cool and unusual sights that would have otherwise gone by unseen, it’s worth remembering that they are primarily designed as a security feature to keep you, your family and your home safe.
At IDS Security, we offer a variety of security camera solutions for your property, ranging from conventional CCTV cameras to high-tech digital IP cameras, all of which can be tailored for your home and personal requirements.
With IDS Security, your home is in safe hands. Our state-of-the-art products, coupled with the expert knowledge of our experienced team of staff, makes for a winning combination that gives you true peace of mind, wherever you are.
If you are interested in finding out more about CCTV cameras for your home or any other method of home security at IDS, why not drop us a line today? Call now on 029 20 753 251 or get in touch online by clicking the button below.
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